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IndustralCraft adds over 100 new blocks and items with the goal of taking the Minecraft experience to the next technological level. This increases the user's efficiency and productivity when gathering resources and performing landscaping as well as introducing some fun new gizmos. Author Alblaka is quite attentive to comments left on the Minecraft Forum Page and releases changes in updates quite regularly. This means that the content on this page can become out-dated. Please feel free to contribute or explain changes on the discussion page so this page can be kept up to date with the latest releases.


The IndustrialCraft mod requires both Modloader and More Block IDs mods.


IndustrialCraft has few incompatibilities with other mods because of its Configuration.

Common Problems


Block IDs used


Item IDs used


Additional Notes

  • Note PlasticCrafts Similar items cannot be used in the same recipies

Mod Specifics

Because of the wealth of items, blocks, and recipes that have been added by the IndustrialCraft mod, the following section attempts to detail these changes to decrease the user's confusion and increase their enjoyment. As opposed to the mod author's humorous, tongue-in-cheek, sales-pitch style post, these pages will describe everything in a staight-forward manner using clear English.

New Mobs

IndustrialCraft currently does not introduce any new Mobs.

New Items

IndustrialCraft introduces (todo: insert # here) new items to Minecraft. They are divided into the following categories/pages for ease of viewing.

Natural Resources

IndustrialCraft introduces a few new resources to the Minecraft terrain. Uranium is dropped from Uranium Ore much like Coal or Diamond; a single unit is dropped for every ore mined.

Derived Materials

IndustrialCraft also adds many raw materials that cannot be found in nature themselves, but are manufactured directly from natural materials. These include: Bronze Dust, Coal Dust, Copper Dust, Energy Crystal, Gold Dust, Hydrated Coal Dust, Iron Dust, Plantclump, Rubber, and Tin Dust.


IndustrialCraft includes many items that serve no purpose except to be used in recipes. These include: Advanced Alloy, Advanced Circuit, Carbon Fibers, Carbon Plate, Coal Ball, Coal Chunk, Combined Carbon Fiber, Compressed Coal Ball, Electronic Circuit, Energy Crystal, Industrial Diamond, Metal Block, Mining Pipe, Some random Scrap, Scrap Box, Treetap, and Uranium Fuel Ingot.


IndustrialCraft introduces new metals with various purposes, including: Bronze, Copper, Refined Iron, and Tin.


IndustrialCraft introduces a new line of tools through the new metal Bronze as well as several other useful mining and crafting tools. These include: Bronze Sword, Bronze Pickaxe, Bronze Axe, Bronze Shovel, Bronze Hoe, Wrench, Chainsaw, Mining Drill, Diamond Drill, Mining Laser, and Industrial TNT.


IndustrialCraft also provides several new types of armor including: Bronze Helmet, Bronze Chestplate, Bronze Leggings, Bronze Boots, Composite Armor, Nano Helmet, Nano Suit, Nano Leggings, and Nano Boots.


Finally, IndustrialCraft introduces many hand-held technical devices that serve various purposes (most of them energy related). They are:

RE Battery, Battery Pack, Bat-Pack, Single-Use Battery, EC Manipulator, Cable Obscurator, Mobile Charger, ODE Device, and the Jetpack.

New Blocks

IndustrialCraft introduces a very large number of new blocks. They have been divided up into the following categories/pages for ease of viewing.

Natural Resources

IndustrialCraft adds Copper Ore, Tin Ore, and Uranium Ore to the naturally occuring minerals in Minecraft. These blocks do not interfere with already naturally occuring ores, but take place of left-over stone with varying degrees of probability.


One of the largest categories of new blocks introduced in IndustrialCraft are numerous useful machines which vary from upgrading the original furnace to other more original functions. These include the Canning Machine, Compressor, Crystal Charger, Electro Furnace, Extractor, Iron Furnace, Macerator, Miner, and the Recycler, Terraformer.


Another large category of new blocks in IndustrialCraft are those that generate or convey something akin to electricity in the form of EUs (Energy Units). These blocks include: Cable, Generator, Geothermal Generator, HV Transformer, MFE Transmitter, Nuclear Reactor, Solar Collector, Switch Cable, Water Mill, and the Windmill.


There are 3 new blocks with which to build structures in IndustrialCraft. Reinforced Stone, Reinforced Glass, and Reinforced Door.


Interestingly enough, IndustrialCraft also includes 2 blocks that function only as ingredients yet can be placed in the world. These are the Machine and the Advanced Machine.


IndustrialCraft even includes a unique new way to shed light, the Luminator.

New Crafting Recipes

Quick Crafting Recipe Reference Guide.

Complicated Ideas/Recipes

Though it is common to come across complicated recipes in IndustrialCraft, there are a few ideas that stand out: Food, Fuel, Industrial Diamond, Miner, and the Terraformer.


  • If you wear any chest plate, including the jetpack, etc, Minecraft will crash.

Secret Recipes

  • Spoiler Warning

This Secret Recipes page describes items and recipes not found by a quick perusal of the author's mod forum page.

If you find any secret recipes that are not included here, feel free to contribute them or put them on the discussion page so they can be verified and added.
