Minecraft Wiki

This needs to be updated heavily. Absolutely NO info for alpha or beta servers, and furthermore this doesnt even specify that it is for classic servers only. ~Flip40 edit: Have modified the page to denotes its classic server status, with a section for alpha/beta type servers added (albiet it has no current information, i hope to add to this section if possible, but of course i need help finding this out for myself first :P) edit2: Have removed modification. In generaly i think this page needs to be cleaned up between the classic and alpha/beta server types, but realized that this page has generally "both" while the link to the similiar server setup page was classic without stating so. :s muy confusar.

info?=== If information on creating an alpha server were to be added here, how do people think the page should be split up? --mbaxter 01:19, 8 September 2010 (CDT)

The directions for "Connecting to your local server" are not correct, this link no longer works:
Instead, you must go to the in game browser, click multiplayer, and type in the address. Otherwise your server will get bad packet errors. Can anyone else confirm?
--Bdevine 14:48, 7 October 2010 (UTC)

    ^^-This may be because your trying to join with the downloaded minecraft, not the classic browser version.

Just a question, if I create a server on my computer, do I need to keep it constantly running to save the world I've created? Basically, will the world disappear completely if the server goes down? Or is it saved somewhere so that I can shut my PC off when no one's there? Just curious. Phoenix654 12:03, 9 November 2010 (UTC)

If you use the "save-all" server command it saves the serverOmegatron9 17:11, 1 January 2011 (UTC)

Just a quick Question; is there a way to add custom commands into the base SMP? In other words, I'm wondering how to add commands to basically give players "Toolboxes" filled with items. Also, it's a Private server, so if you require that I allow you in, I cannot. So, in a nutshell, is there something that allows me to make custom commands on the base SMP? Alanydor 13:57, 1 January 2011 (PST)

    ^^- Try Hey0's mod for minecraft, adds many commands although it may not particularly add toolboxes (youll have to check its plugins)

Give Command

How do I give red wool. "give daddii 35x3 12" to give daddii 12 magenta wool blocks? Any way to do this? Thanks Daddii

Time of Day

The article says the "time of day is not tampered with". How does the server op tamper with time? I want to do that?


           The server op can change the time of
           day by typing /time set then whatever time you want it to be, for example /time set 10 would make the time ten. And do do this you first must be an op.


Converting A World after 1.3

Why was this added? I certainly did not have to do this on my server: running the new server simply upgraded it. Is this ever really needed? If not, this section should be deleted.

This is bad information, as a vanilla server does do the conversion. Yanking. --Urda 01:50, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

In what do i need to open that file to create your own world?

Like my title in what do i need to open cause my computer said i must choose in the fellow things, Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader 9 and Windows media player, Windows note book and other.

Please help me

Dual Core for Servers?

The "Server requirements" section recommends a dual core CPU to host anything but a very small number of players. Which I find unlikely as Minecraft only ever uses a single CPU core. It would be more appropriate to state that a dual core CPU could be advantageous if the server runs CPU-heavy background services, but won't help Minecraft by itself in any way.
